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Dear CECLC Families,


            We at CECLC continue our commitment to the health and safety of the children and families we serve, as well as that of the teachers and administrators who staff our center. We have made some amendments to our COVID-19 Policies in order to remain aligned with current guidance from NYS. Changes are in yellow.


A. Identifying Risk of Exposure


1. Per NYS OCFS, parents are obligated to notify CECLC Administrators of any member of your immediate family, including any individual who currently resides with your child, who has traveled to a destination for which the CDC, or NYS has issued a travel warning within the last 14 days.


2. Per NYS OCFS, parents are obligated to notify CECLC Administrators of any member of your immediate family who has had contact with any Persons Under Investigation for COVID -19 within the last 14 days OR with anyone with known COVID-19.


3. Per NYS OCFS, parents are obligated to notify CECLC Administrators of any member of your immediate family, including any individual who currently resides with your child, who is exhibiting symptoms of a respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, fever, or shortness of breath).


4. CECLC Staff will continue to notify parents of the development of symptoms in their child throughout the day.


5.  Per NYS OCFS, CECLC is required to notify our licensor of any closures related to COVID-19. Per NYS OCFS, CECLC is required to notify our licensor of any enrolled child who is under quarantine for a positive test.


 6. CECLC Staff will continue to conduct Daily Health Checks during morning drop-off, however the morning drop-off procedure, as well as the afternoon pick up procedure will be temporarily modified to include the following CDC instructions.



Temporary Drop Off Procedure:


  • Per the CDC guidelines, most parents will not be able to enter the building, past the main office so as to limit the exposure of the virus. Exceptions will be made to those parents whose children are newly enrolled with the center. Infant and Toddler parents may use the exterior classroom doors at Drop Off.

  • Specific staff will be assigned as “Greeters” between 6 am and 9 am. They will be waiting at the doors to receive children, complete a daily health check, and to bring the children to their rooms where they will be signed in. Greeters will be in masks. Drop off times outside of 6am to 9 am will be handled by Administrative Staff or available Floats.

  • During the daily health check, the child’s temperature will be taken. No child with a temperature over 100 will be allowed to enter the building. Thermometers will be sanitized between readings.

  • Children will be escorted to their classrooms where they will be assisted with handwashing.

  • In the event that several families are dropping off at the same time, there will be marked waiting areas on the sidewalk and in the lobby. Families will form a waiting line and will be assisted as quickly as possible in the order in which they arrived.

  • As a reminder, cars are not permitted to idle in the parking lot. Please turn your engine off while awaiting your check-in.


Temporary Pick Up Procedure:


  • Parents will use key fobs to enter the main lobby. Specific staff will be assigned as “Greeters” between 3 pm and 6 pm. They should be waiting in the vestibule and will retrieve your children once you have been health screened including a temperature check and Photo ID verification.

  • Please inform your Greeter of any additional items you wish to take home.

  • In the event that several families are picking up at the same time, there will be marked waiting areas on the sidewalk and in the lobby. Families will form a waiting line, 6 feet apart, and will be assisted as quickly as possible in the order in which they arrived.

  • Administrative Staff and available Float Staff will assist with pickups that occur prior to 3 pm.

  • Greeters may be able to stand in for your child’s teacher(s) at pick up should you request a brief conversation.


 B. Exclusion Guidelines


1. Should an individual answer “yes” to A1, A2, or A3 as written above, such individual MUST refrain from entering CECLC. This has been mandated by our licensing agency, NYS OCFS.


2. In the event that a household member of a child attending CECLC is required to quarantine per the DOH, the family must immediately notify CECLC. The family must follow guidance from the DOH/Contact Tracing with regard to which members of the family must quarantine and for how long. As long as DOH does not quarantine all family members, those not affected by the quarantine may still come to the center.


3. In the event that an immediate family member or resident’s quarantine period begins while a child is in attendance at the Center AND the child is also directed to quarantine, the parent must immediately notify the Center and arrange for the child to be picked up. The person designated to pick up the child must call the Center upon arrival and a CECLC staff member will deliver the child to the vehicle.


4. As stated above, during the morning Drop-Off, Greeters are responsible for the Daily Health Check of all children. During the daily health check, the child’s temperature will be taken. No child with a temperature over 100 will be allowed to enter the building. Thermometers will be sanitized between readings.


5. OCFS has determined that centers shall adopt a temporary exclusion policy requiring all staff and children with a fever over 100 degrees to remain out of the center until such time as they are fever free without the aid of medication for a period of 72 hours. This remains true for those who arrive with a fever or who develop one during the day and need to be sent home. It is strongly recommended that you confer with your pediatrician regarding fevers and respiratory symptoms during this time.


6. We will follow current guidelines from the CDC with regard to assisting tracers whose job it is contact those who may have come into contact with an infected individual. Should we be required to notify any family at CECLC of the need to self-isolate, we will do so. However, the DOH/Contact Tracers have the final say in who must quarantine and for how long.


7.  Upon the confirmation of a case of COVID-19 in a child attending CECLC or any staff member employed with CECLC, the Center will immediately contact NYS OCFS and the Wayne County Department of Health. We will follow their specific guidelines regarding any required notifications and procedures.


 C. Preventative Measures, Disinfection and Sanitization Protocol


1. All staff are required to wear masks in order to help prevent the spread of airborne particles. CECLC has currently mandated that all children in classrooms that have the potential contact with the school district should also wear masks.


2. All staff are subject to the same Daily Health Check as children, including taking temperatures. Staff will be excluded from working at the center with a fever over 100 degrees OR if they exhibit one of the respiratory symptoms of the virus in conjunction with a fever.


3. Staff will continue to follow the recommended and regulated cleaning and disinfecting procedures set forth by NYS OCFS. Our Support Staff are regularly scheduled to deep clean and disinfect specific areas of the building, however, in light of the situation we are modifying our cleaning schedules as follows.


  • Float staff will be assigned recurring daily tasks (4 times per day) such as disinfecting the light switches, door handles, phones, cabinet pulls.

  • Bathrooms will be sanitized 4 times throughout the day.

  • Cots will be disinfected daily.

  • All hard surfaces will be disinfected after each use.

  • Scheduling of staff will include after-hours cleaning, including garbage receptacles, vacuuming common areas, laundry etc.

  • Classroom teachers will reinforce proper handwashing procedures at all times (coming in from outdoors, after toileting, before and after eating, after blowing their noses, etc.)


4. Although classrooms in childcare centers are not categorized as large group gatherings, whenever possible, we will reduce classroom size to 15 or less children. This may mean that your child spends some time in a different classroom. (For example, a child may visit up or down a room). Most of the children are already used to this, as we often do this to transition them to the next room as they are getting ready to move up.





Float Staff  or staff not required to be in their rooms to cover ratios are tasked with additional sanitization procedures within the classrooms and throughout the center.




We understand that parents and teachers will still need to communicate, even though we must remove most of the face-to face options for a short time.


  • We encourage parents to call throughout the day and check in. Both Lead Teachers and Assistants are available throughout the day for parent phone calls. Please cognizant of the amount of time you spend on the phone to your child’s teacher as not to inhibit them from teaching the class and to allow other parents an opportunity to speak to their child’s teacher!

  •  Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers will still receive Daily Sheets.

  • As always, you may reach out to Admin staff with any other communications.


Therapy Visits:


CECLC is still permitting therapists to come in and work with the children. Therapists will be required to wear masks, and to sanitize their hands before and after working with a child. They are subject to the same health screenings.



Tuition Expectations



In the event that a governing body mandates a temporary closure of a classroom due to a case of COVID-19 within CECLC, the following policies will be in effect.


  1. During the first closure, parents enrolled in that classroom will not be charged tuition for the first week of the quarantine.

  2. During the first closure, parents enrolled in that classroom, who also have siblings enrolled in other classrooms and who are also mandated by a governing body to quarantine will not be charged tuition for those siblings for the first week of the quarantine.

  3. During the remainder of the quarantine AND any subsequent closures of the same classroom, tuition will be charged as usual. Families may choose to use any remaining Vacation Days to cover the absence.


In the event that a governing body mandates a quarantine for an individual child or family due to a case of COVID-19, the following policies will be in effect.


  1. If the individual or family quarantine does not impact an entire classroom, the case will be treated like any other illness related absence and the family will still be charged tuition for the duration of the quarantine. The family may choose to use any remaining Vacation Days to cover the absence.

  2. During any subsequent quarantines for the same family, on an individual basis, the absences will still incur regular tuition charges.


In the event of a full center closure for 2 days or less, imposed by any governing body, for the express purpose cleaning and sanitization processes, regular tuition will be charged. Any family with remaining Vacation Days may choose to use them to cover the duration of the closure.


In the event of a full center closure longer than 2 days, imposed by any governing body, the CECLC Board of Directors will conduct an Emergency Meeting to determine tuition requirements. Any decisions and policy changes will be communicated to parents in a timely manner.


 Failure to report cases of COVID-19 and exposure to COVID-19 in any child or member of your household to CECLC, as well as failure to report travel to restricted areas with mandatory quarantines will result in immediate dismissal from services.

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